Hello and welcome to Shaking Things Up With Shake It Off Studio where we talk with guests about anything and everything! Episodes can be enjoyed by watching the video link or by listening to the audio through our Podcast link. To access the PodCast just click the icon located in between the episode cover and video.
Have a story you want to share? Want to be a guest on Shaking Things Up? Just send us an email, we would love to hear from you.

Our first episode is finally ready! In episode 1 we sit down with Shake It Off Studio member Michelle to talk about her health and wellness journey. Michelle's website can be found at https://www.nourishedspirits.ca To enjoy this episode you can either watch the recording right here on the page or you can listen to our PodCast by clicking the musical note above.

In Episode 2 we talk with Trish from The Sparkle Factor. Trish chats with us about owning her own businesses and making the choice to return to school at 40! To learn more about Trish and her business visit her website at https://sparklefactor.ca Enjoy this episode by watching the recording on the page or you can listen to the Podcast by clicking the musical note above.

Today we catted with Priya about overcoming imposter syndrome, ancestral trauma and more. To watch our video click above and to listen to the PodCast recording just click on the musical note abov

Hannah came to our studio for just a month in the summer of 2023 but she left an impression that would last a life time! Hannah let us in on what it was like having to close her dance studio and making the decision to return to school in her 40's! Watch our video here or click on the music icon in the middle to listen to the podCast.