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The Healing Room
Foot Reflexology


40 Minutes $45

Reflexology is based on the idea that the glands, organs, and parts of the body are reflected in specific reflex areas. Applying pressure to these specific points can reduce pain and anxiety and promote circulation, relaxation, and healing in the body. The stimulation of reflex areas in the foot triggers a response in corresponding organs, promoting healing in that area of the body.

Woman getting a head massage at a spa

Head Massage

40 Minutes $45

The ancient techniques used in an Ayurvedic Head massage have been practiced for thousands of years to encourage relaxation and restore the energy balance throughout the entire body. This treatment focuses on the areas most prone to tension, the face, neck and head

Hand Massage

2 Services

60 Minutes $55

Take your session to the next level. Combine any two of our Reflexology sessions and enjoy a 60 minute treatment.

Stretching Together

Assisted Stretch

45 Minutes $40

Now offering assisted stretching. This service is designed to help you relieve sore, aching muscles by assisting you into deeper stretches. This 45 minute session uses the principles of active and dynamic stretching to provide the most effective, thorough and safe stretch, completely customized to the needs of any body.

Relaxing Massage


45 Minutes $55

Relaxation massage is a smooth, gentle, flowing style that promotes general relaxation, relieves muscular tension, and improves circulation and movement range. Our goal is to leave you feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. 

Back Massage


60 Minutes $70

The main focus of a relaxation massage is to de-stress, calm and relax the mind and body.This massage style aids with your mental and emotional health, as it calms the mind and settles the nervous system. 

Feet at spa pedicure procedure


60 Minutes $60

The serenity Package will have you walking on cloud nine! Start your session off with a 30 minute foot reflexology session designed to breakdown any blockages in your system. Follow this up with a 30 minute detoxifying foot bath to help clear the toxins out of the body.

Towels and Incense Sticks

Total Zen

90 Minutes $75

Treat yourself to the full relaxation experience with our Total Zen Package. Enjoy 90 minutes of relaxation and healing, we will start your session off with a head massage as you soak your feet in a warm foot bath. From there we head to the table as we work our way through a foot and hand reflexology session.

Spa Massage

Head To Toe

90 Minutes $100

Give yourself the full treatment with our head to toe package. Your session will start with a hand reflexology session followed by your feet. We will work on breaking up any blockages, then head over to our detoxifying foot bath where you will soak for 30 minutes while enjoying a head massage.


Ear Candling

30 Minutes $30

Ear candling can be used for many conditions including deafness caused by excess wax, congested sinuses, irritation in the ears, ringing or noises in the ears, tinnitus, rhinitis, glue ear, colds, flu, headaches and migraines.

Hot Stone Massage

Hot Stone

45 Minutes $70

Hot stone sessions help melt away tension, ease muscle stiffness, and increase circulation. Hot stones, when coupled with our relaxation treatment,  helps to relieve stress and pain while aiding in better sleep.

Facial Jade Roller

Gua Sha Facial

60 Minutes $110

Our 60 Minute Gua Sha Facial  starts with a neck, head and face lymphatic drainage session. From there we move on to a relaxing Gua Sha and Jade Rolling sequence followed by a light neck and head massage.

Spa Salts and Stones

Hot Stone

60 Minutes $85

Take your Hot Stone Session to the next level. Allow yourself some relaxation and healing with our 60 minute treatment.

Spa Treatment


90 Minutes $125

Show your face, head and lymphatic system some love with our Rejuvenation session. This session combines our Gua Sha Facial with ear candling to give you the total relaxing and healing experience. 


Foot Detox

30 Minutes $30

Now offering Ionic Detoxifying Foot Soaks! Enjoy 30 minutes to yourself as you sit and soak your feet in our warm detoxifying foot baths. Bring a book or game to enjoy while you relax.

Stones on Foot

Hot Stone


60 Minutes $65

Hot stones can be incorporated into a reflexology treatment to further enhance the benefits of the treatment.The heat helps to relax the muscles in the feet allowing the therapist to work deeper into the reflex areas.

Hand Massage

Hot Stone


80 Minutes $90

Hot Stones are used at the beginning and end of  hand and foot reflexology treatment. The heat from the stones quickly open the reflex pathways bringing about a much deeper level of relaxation than reflexology alone. The stones may also be used on areas that may appear tender or congested.

A man having message treatment

Bliss  Session

90 Minutes $115

Walk away feeling nothing but total bliss after our 90 Minute Bliss Session. This treatment includes Hot Stone Reflexology on the hands and feet as well as a hot stone treatment and massage on the shoulders, neck and head. 

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Head Massage
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